Khux No Continues Hades Cup 15 15

JP KHUX July 2017 Hades Cup Guide


July 1, 2017 ~ July 19, 2017

The Hades Cup is a Gaiden-esque event consisting out of 15 quests filled with multitudes of high-level, tricky enemies. To make things worse, you CANNOT pay to continue. This month Hades Cup is easier than the first Hades Cup we had back in May. It seems like this event will occur every other month!

All three objectives for each round is to clear the mission with no continue. Each round will give you a different reward!


But the biggest prize from this is the potential 6k jewels you can earn! And it is no easy feat to complete all 15 rounds!

  • Round 1: Magic Stone x 1
  • Round 2: Mirror x 1
  • Round 3: Broom x 1
  • Round 4: Mirror x 1
  • Round 5: Speed Stone x 1
  • Round 6: Mirror x 1
  • Round 7: Broom x 1
  • Round 8: Mirror x 1
  • Round 9: Power Stone x 1
  • Round 10: 1000 Jewels
  • Round 11: Mirror x 5
  • Round 12: Lunar Stone x 1
  • Round 13: Mickey&Brooms x 1
  • Round 14: Lunar Stone x 1
  • Round 15: 5000 Jewels

We have gathered set ups from other JP KHUX players to help you guys through with these missions!

Deck Set-Up Submission

We are still accepting set ups, especially for missions 9 to 15, until this event is over! You can tweet the set up to this main tweet or submit a deck set up!! Make sure to follow the instructions if you want to have your deck showcased!

Submission Confirmation
If I (@luck4u2bluestar) liked your set up tweet, it means I have added it to the post! If some of the requirements weren't met, such as missing the keyblade level or wrong screenshot, I will let you know and you can always tweet us the correct information! Once I have liked your tweet, please go to the post (once it is updated) to make sure the information I have posted is correct, and let me know if you would like to add/make any changes!

>Tumblr Submission
I will DM you that your set up has been added! Please go to the post (once it is updated) to make sure the information I have posted is correct, and let me know if you would like to add/make any changes!

Last Updated: July 9, 2017 at 8:55 am JST (If you see this post at the top of the page, it means it has recently been updated!)

*Important notes about reading the list of enemies: [number] = red number: medals you can use on enemy {number} = blue number: attacks you can use on enemy

Round 1: Queen Bee [M]

Round 2: Blitz Spear [S]
Black Gummi Copter Mob [S] (SAU+3, PDU+3) + [4] Fluttering [S] (SAU+3)

Round 3: Heat Saber [P]
Defender [P] (PSMDU+3) + [4] Fluttering [S] (SAU+3)

Round 4: Chill Ripper [M] (GDU+2)
Shadow Magician [M] + [4] Fluttering [S] (SAU+3)

Round 5: Guard Armor [S] (GDU+2)

Round 6: Huge Watermelon [P] (GPSMDD-2)
Defender [P] (PSMDU+3) + Large Body [P] + Mega Shadow [P] + [1] Barrier Master [M] (GPSMDU+2)

Round 7: Shadow Magician [M]
[1] Barrier Master [M] (GPSMDU+2) + White Chocolate Statue [M] (GAU+2) + Shamanwild [M] + Strange Tree [M]

Round 8: Happy Cuckoo [S] (PSMDU+1)
[1] Barrier Master [M] (GPSMDU+2) + Chocolate Gargoyle [S] (GDU+2) + Terrible Bee [S] (GAU+1, GDU+1) + Cheery Ape [S]

Round 9: Submarine Carp [P]

The submarine carp can put you to sleep. Try to bring a medal that has sleep resistance if possible.


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
■ Copy Key Art C [M]: 20% sleep resistance.
Need guard up XL and second chance to survive the attacks
. I used lvl 857 burst after the HD Xion [M]. You brute force your way through with this set up. You die the first turn from the baby whales, but you survive the second attack from the tail with guard up XL.


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
■ Copy Key Art C [M]: 20% sleep resistance.
Need guard up XL and second chance to survive the attacks. Need to be lucky that the Submarine carp doesn't put you to sleep or inflict defense down buffs.


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double activation
■ KH 0.2 Aqua [M]: Status Bonus
Probably needs Guard XL and second chance 2.


Set up by Flapjack | +33 Three Wishes
■ Partner Xion EX [M]: Status Bonus
Activate every medal when you have the chance xD It's going to take a lot of turns!! And deaths!! So patience is key, lol .Didn't use burst (only lvl 133 aha) GOOD LUCK! Honestly I died like 10 times not including anything from yesterday or the days before @@ My deaths came from when it released its babies =_= hate those babies…


Set up by Farlhem | +28 Stroke of Midnight
No traits are important. Didn't even need SCII in some. Change TDU+2 and shared medal accordingly.


Set up by ADog | +29 Stroke of Midnight
Both Defense Boost XL are maxed.


Set up by Alvis | +35 Counterpoint
■ Key Art 8 [M]: -60% Defense Aerial Enemies
0.2 Kairi+GU XL, KH2 Kairi+SC II, Namine HD to copy Xion EX. Burst LV 1000 (activated).


Set up by Mauro | +35.2 Counterpoint
■ Sandy Claws [M]: 20% sleep resistance
■ Orchestra Sora [M]: Double Activation


Set up by Jacki | +35 Stroke of Midnight
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double Activation, -60% defense on Aerial enemies
■ Orchestra Sora [M]: +800 HP
■ SP Vanitas [P]: Double Activation
■ Sandy Claws [M]: Double Activation
Burst used is level 552.


Set up by Linde | +29 Counterpoint
■ HD Naminé [M]: -60% aerial enemy defense, -60% ground enemy defense
■ Xion EX [M]: Status Bonus
Only one Attack Boost XL proc was necessary with my lv 33 burst.

Round 10: Mrs. Insolent [M] (PSMDU+2)

[2] Emerald Sonata [M] + Wretched Witch [M] (SDU+1)


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
Need Second Chance to activate on the 1st turn. Activate Sandy Claws [M] and Oogie [P] on the Witch because it has no counter. This set up kills the Sonata on first turn. No need to use Nova.


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double activation


Set up by Flapjack | +32 Lady Luck
Turn 1: Tap witch with Pluto, and activate all other medals. When activating Santa Claus and KA Bonds, attack the witch. In this turn you should get rid of the Emerald Sonata.
All other turns: Activate Pluto when you've been afflicted with status ailments, and always remember to choose the witch to attack for single-target medals since she has no counter. You should be able to survive every enemy turn since your defense will be so high. No need to use burst (Second chance never had to activate! :D) Good luck!


Set up by Farlhem | +28 Stroke of Midnight
No traits are important. Didn't even need SCII in some. Change TDU+2 and shared medal accordingly.


Set up by ADog | +35 Counterpoint
Second chance only needed for the first turn.


Set up by Alvis | +35 Counterpoint
In case if you don't have 0.2 Kairi. Bring Sandy Claws and Alice & Chesire with Guard Up L. It will take around 20 turns.


Set up by Alvis | +35 Counterpoint
Sandy Claws+GU L. KA C to copy Sandy Claws and Namine HD to copy Final Form Xion. Second Chance isn't really needed.


Set up by Linde | +29 Counterpoint
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double activation
■ HD Naminé [M]: -60% aerial enemy defense, -60% ground enemy defense
■ Boss Xion [S]: Double activation
Tapped tieri on the with surprisingly no SC needed just some DB S. Tapped tieri on the witch. I thought I got paralyzed the whole time.

Round 11: Metal Giant [S]


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
Need second chance to survive first attack. No need for burst. Will take about 5 turns. Go in with full SP.


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu.: Double activation
Used Sephiroth EX [P] instead of Roxas EX [S].


Set up by Farlhem | +28 Stroke of Midnight
No traits are important. Didn't even need SCII in some. Change TDU+2 and shared medal accordingly.


Set up by Flapjack | +32 Lady Luck
Didn't use burst. Activate all medals when you can. If running low on SP for a turn, skip Santa Claus and use KAB instead. Guard XL and Guard Up M 100% are heavenly. Second chance is not needed.


Set up by Jacki | +35 Stroke of Midnight
■ SP Vanitas [P]: Double activation
■ Sandy Claws [M]: Double activation
I used 552 burst early. Second chance 2 is required for first turn.


Set up by Irfan | +30 Darkgnaw
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double activation


Set up by Sybil | +27 Fairy Stars
■ Vexen B [M]: Double activation
Defense boost xl isnt even needed. Replace Roxas EX [S] with any upright speed attacker


Set up by Linde | +29 Counterpoint
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double activation
■ HD Naminé [M]: -60% aerial enemy defense, -60% ground enemy defense
Vexen B [M] trait not important.

Round 12: {35} Gummi Hound [P] (GPAU+1)

Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
No need for burst. Only Guard up XL is needed. You will defeat Gummi hound before hit counter is up.


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu.: Double activation
Used Sephiroth EX [P] instead of Roxas EX [S].


Set up by Aurelio | +35 Counterpoint
Guard up XL activated on the first turn but it wasn't really needed.


Set up by Farlhem | +28 Stroke of Midnight
No traits are important. Didn't even need SCII in some. Change TDU+2 and shared medal accordingly.


Set up by Flapjack | +33 Three Wishes
Didn't use burst. Activate all medals for all turns. Guard XL and Guard Up M 100% were activated in all enemy turns. Second chance not needed. Xion has status bonus for Atk and Def.


Set up by ADog | +35 Counterpoint


Set up by Sybil | +35 Counterpoint
Defense m 100% is enough for this one.


Set up by Linde | +29 Counterpoint
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double activation
■ HD Naminé [M]: -60% aerial enemy defense, -60% ground enemy defense
■ Xion EX [M]: Status Bonus
SC required. DB M and Jumba did nothing.

Round 13: Thornsnake [M] (GAU+3, GDU+2)

[2] Poison Archer [P] + [2] Paralysis Archer [S] + [2] Sleep Archer [M]


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
Use a single target reset medal, so either Alice [P] or Anti-Sora [M]! You need to destroy the archers on the 3rd turn. Did not use burst.


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double Activation
Snake needs to be reset at random intervals depending on refreshed GAU3. Kairei+roxas takes archers turn 1.


Set up by Farlhem | +28 Stroke of Midnight
No traits are important. Didn't even need SCII in some. Change TDU+2 and shared medal accordingly.


Set up by Flapjack | +32 Lady Luck
■ Roxas EX [S]: Status Bonus
Didn't use burst. Turn 1: Tap flower for Pluto. Activate 0.2 Kairi. Activate Santa Claus and KAB and target flower. Tap flower for KH2 Kairi. Activate Roxas EX. This should get rid of the archers. Need second chance for first enemy turn since defense isn't high enough yet.
All other turns: Activate Pluto when afflicted with status ailments. Activate all medals. Guard XL and Guard Up M 100% necessary.


Set up by ADog | +35 Counterpoint
Orchestra sora doesn't have to be used every turn if running low on SP.


Set up by Alvis | +35 Starlight
Relies on guard activation. Alice to reset Snake's buff. Namine HD to copy Roxas EX. Skip KH2 Kairi's ability on the 1st turn.


Set up by ChickenMe | +35 Counterpoint
It's necessary not to activate Tieri in the 1st turn. Nova doesn't matter here.


Set up by Irfan | +26 Missing Ache
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double activation


Set up by Jacki | +21 Missing Ache
■ Key Art 11 [M]: 20% Sleep Resistance, 20% Paralysis Resistance
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double Activation
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
■ Partner Vexen B [M]: +1000 Attack
VERY reset heavy.

Round 14: [3] Fluttering Squad [S] (SAU+5)

2 [4] Fluttering [S] (SAU+3) + 2 [1] Barrier Master [M] (GPSMDU+2)


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
First thing you do is activate burst to activate barrier master. Activate all medals. You must have guard up XL and M, and second chance. Partner Sephiroth EX [P] killed barrier masters and flutterings. You need to survive 1st attack by having guard up XL and M activate constantly. You will die by poison and then revive thanks to Second Chance. Group of bats/target enemy cannot perform spin attack as you are defeating it as it will kill you since the attack resets the defense buff


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double Activation
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
Need heavy RNG to avoid spinner attack.


Set up by Farlhem | +30 Divine Rose
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: +800 HP
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
Got lucky and didn't get the spinner attack.


Set up by ADog | +31 Treasure Trove
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
Pop burst first, then Belle.


Set up by Alvis | +28 Stroke of Midnight
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
Xion HD is used to copy Sephiroth EX. Burst LV 1005. Zero is used to reset enemy's buff. At least 2 Guard Up XL is needed for higher chance activation.


Set up by Sara | +27 Darkgnaw
■ Partner Vexen B [M]: Double Activation


Set up by Moises | +30 Stroke of Midnight
■ Key Art Air [P]: Double Activation
■ B&B Illu. [P]: Double Activation
Burst lvl 777


Set up by Manito | +35 Counterpoint
■ B&B Illu. [P]: Def. +2000 x2
■ Key Art 7 [M]: Str. +1000


Set up by Irfan |+30 Darkgnaw
■ Lion Sora [P]: +2000 Defense
■ Beast&Belle Illu. [P]: +800 HP x2
■ KH 2 Kairi Illu. [M]: Double Activation
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation

Dont use tieri on first turn, use santa on barrier master.


Set up by Blyscuit | +32 Stroke of Midnight
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
No need for guard L/XL, survive turn one and no spinning, try to finish quick


*NEW* Set up by Jacki | +21 Missing Ache
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
■ Belle [S]: 20% Poison Resistance
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double Activation, -60% aerial enemy defense
■ Dark Riku [S]: Status Bonus, +2 SP
WHEEZE. You'll have to skip using Belle every other turn or so.

Round 15: Ogre [P]

2 [1] Barrier Master [M] (GPSMDU+2) + [4] Dual Durandal [P] (PAU+1) + {50} Werewolf [P]


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +29 Stroke of Midnight
■ Vexen B [M]: Double Activation
You don't need to have double activation on Vexen B [M] because you survive onto the second turn using second chance anyways. This set up only takes 2 turns. You can replace Zero [S] with Belle [S]. Activate burst first to activate barrier master, and then have it be removed by Belle [S]. Try not have any medals be skipped when you are paralyzed.


Set up by Lucky ★彡 | +28 Starlight
You can replace Ventus HD [S] with any GDD-2 medal. Try to have it so that the GDD-2 medal gets the keyblade multiplier. You must have a second chance skill on one of your medals. You first activate burst to have the barrier master activate the defense buff. Use Namine [S] to copy the defense buff, and then use Belle [S] (any multi-target reset medal works) to remove the buffs. You shouldn't die from the attacks thanks to the buff. On the second turn, use Namine [S] to copy the barrier master's buff again and have it be reset. Keep repeating the process until the barrier master dies. You should survive for one more turn. I needed second chance to activate after the second turn but it will be enough to defeat all the enemies.


Set up by Salt | +34 Counterpoint
■ Key Art C [M]: Status Bonus
Pretty straightforward.


Set up by Farlhem | +35 Sleeping Lion
Easy peasy! 2 turn kill!


Set up by ADog | +35 Darkgnaw
■ Lion Sora Illu. [P]: +2 SP Gauge, double activation
Pop burst first.


Set up by Manito | +35 Counterpoint
■ B&B Illu. [P]: Def. +2000 x2
■ Key Art 11 [M]: +2 SP Gauge, Def. +2000
Burst lvl 728


Set up by ChickenMe | +35 Counterpoint
■ HD Naminé [M]: Double Activation
With this set up I killed all the movs in 1 turn. HD Naminé has double activation (not necessary).


Set up by Irfan | +30 Darkgnaw
Tap on darkside/barrier master w/Tieri


Set up by Gorgi | +29 Fairy Stars
Just need 2nd chance to activate. Burst then Belle.


Set up by Alfan | +25 Fairy Stars
No traits needed.


*NEW* Set up by Jacki | +21 Missing Ache
■ Belle [S]: 20% poison resistance
■ Key Art 11 [M]: Double Activation, -60% aerial enemy defense
■ Dark Riku [S]: +2 SP
Pop Burst first. Use Namine to copy Barrier Master, Belle to clean slate. Burst is shown at 559. Missing Ache is +21. (the Namine is not guilted, but it doesn't matter.)


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